CS 3733 Operating Systems, Fall 2008 Assignment 6

Due Wednesday, December 3

This assignment is a continuation of Assignments 4 and 5. In this assignment you will be doing the compiles on different machines and using the network for communication.

Part 1
Write a parallel server, compileserver, that takes a single command line parameter, a port number. It will listen on the port, and when a connection occurs, a line will be read from the network. The line (without the newline) will represent the path of a C source program to compile. The child will peel off the directory and make that the current working directory (use chdir(2)). It will then call compile with the file name (without the directory) as a parameter. As before, get the path of the C compiler from makelib.h. If successful, a single byte containing the byte '0' will be sent back to the client. Otherwise a single '1' will be sent back.

You can test your server using the client2 program to send a line to your server. It will show you the output sent back because it is a printing character.

Part 2
Write a main program called networkcompile which will take an odd number of command line parameters. The first parameter will be a port number. Each pair of remaining parameters will be a host name and a C source file name (without the extension, as in previous assignments). For each pair of parameters, it will make a connection to the host and send the full path of the file to the remote host as a single line. Get the path from the current directory (use getcwd(3C)) and be sure to include the path separator, '/', if necessary. Get the return value from the remote compiler (in the format from Part 1). If all of the individual compiles were successful, make an executable, as before.

Do the above in such a way that all of the compiles can be done in parallel. You cannot implement it as follows:

because this would do the compiles serially, even if they are done on separate machines. Find a way to get around this.

Handing in your assignment
Test your programs as in Assignment 5. The servers should not have to be running from the directory that contains the files to compile. Use this cover sheet.